This early Autumn I have put all my DIY skills to use to renovate and create my workshop space. Having spent 5 years making do with an unfinished work space that in the summer was far too hot and in the winter very cold and drafty with bonus water features, (the roof and walls have always let in the rain), I finally thought enough was enough! A lot of roof felting, plywood, insulation, rendering, cream paint and exhaustion later, I now have a clean, bright and dry space in which to create my baskets and sculptures.
Furthermore, just outside I’ve created a lovely patio area complete with pergola that once growing with vines and wisteria next year will provide me with a much needed shady work space and perhaps even some kiwis and bunches of grapes! Gone are the days of sharing my shed with spiders, slugs, birds and slow worms, (they loved dropping through the gaps in the brick walls and giving me a fright!) Although I’ve made sure that my resident bat is still very much at home. As you can see from the photographs, my daughters love it too as they’ve now decided they have an outside Mediterranean eating area! Perhaps even calling it a workshop is doing it a disservice and that I should finally call it my studio…