Our Rush Harvesting in the Newspapers!

Our Rush Harvesting in the Newspapers! – June 30th

Really amazing to have a large beautiful photo of my daughters rush harvesting in today’s The Daily Telegraph newspaper.

Members of the Basketmakers’ Association gather annually in Somerset to cut and harvest River Isle rushes.  These are then used to create beautiful baskets and traditional rush seated chairs.

Although I’m known for crafting in willow, I’ve been quietly moonlighting with rush….  My mum taught rush and cane seating for 30 years.  I realised how important it is for me to learn from my mum this heritage craft, to hold on to her knowledge and hopefully gain her amazing skill.  What better way to do this than to begin by go cutting and gathering the raw material and to involve her granddaughters.  Seeing my girls floating with the bundles of rushes down an idyllic river on a beautiful summers day was bliss!

Thank you to organiser Brigitte Graham of www.canecorner.co.uk and to all the amazing harvesters and crafters involved who make this such a special (and somewhat addictive) experience!

And then there’s also finding yourself on page 4 of today’s The Times newspaper in a wetsuit….  Things you do to keep heritage craft forms alive!  Sarah X

Featured image – The Times page 4

Image below – The Daily Telegraph, Business section page 3