Wonderful Weavers Gallery! - 26th June 2022

Wonderful Weavers Gallery! – 26th June 2022

Sometimes you just have to celebrate the amazing weavers and the baskets they make at my Willow Day Workshops.  Thought it would be lovely to show you a selection of photos from Spring ’22 of baskets in progress and lots of lovely students proudly holding their newly made willow baskets.


Photos Top Row: (Left & Middle) Beginners Round Basket Workshop, (Right) Garden Basket Workshop.

Second Row: (Left) Garden Basket Workshop (with me for some reason trying to hide my face!), (Middle) Berry Basket Workshop, (Right) 2 Day Traditional Round Basket Workshop.

Third Row: (Left & Right) Berry Basket Workshop

Bottom Row: (Left) Zarzo Basket Workshop, (Right) 2 Day Traditional Round Basket Workshop.